Saturday, February 28, 2015


UCLA had a pretty big contingent there, which actually ended up getting the ASU crowd cheering a lot more. By the end of the second rotation, the ASU fans were getting real sick of UCLA's UC-LA after every vault and got way more biased in their cheering. Usually, ASU crowds tend to be pretty reserved when they cheer and cheer for both teams about equally (strange considering- well, anything else ASU). I must say, I never quite got the gymternet's collective fascination with UCLA, and they seemed cocky today, so the meet didn't really do anything to make me more in their favor. I sat in a different section today. I sat in the "corner" so I could have a better view of bars and beam, seeing as I didn't want to miss PPL's Bhardwaj and Nush's dismount. Also, no Brie Gades today, which was weird.

Rotation 1
ASU had no Yurchenko layouts today, so while there were errors, it was still an actual vault lineup. Stephanie Miceli started off, and it looked like her knee hit the ground. It wasn't counted as a full fall, though, and she still got 9.450. Kristine Levin was next, and she almost missed her right hand on the table. Tasha Sundby was super of line on her tucked 1.5 and almost went off the side of the mat. Taylor Allex didn't hit as well as she usually does. She was just a little soft and not secure in the landing, so she only got 9.800 when she usually brings in a better score. Carissa Kraus landed kind of crumpled and had to stumble forward, injuring her ankle. They sat her down against the tech table and gave her a quick examination while the whole team was around her.

Nush started UCLA off on bars. She had a nice smooth routine. I liked Sophina DeJesus's routine. She had good flight and a really nice full-in dismount. Samantha Peszek had another really smooth routine. I especially liked her giant full into Geinger. PPL's Bhardwaj was everything I was waiting to see. It was so smooth and the twist didn't seem at all rushed, it was gorgeous. Her Van Leeuwen was also really pretty and stood out.

Rotation 2
Beka Conrad got ASU started off on bars this week, and she had a really strong routine. Her Geinger had nice form, and she stuck her DLO dismount. Kristine Levin followed her, and unfortunately all did not go well and she fell on her Tkatchev. She finished her routine strong, though, and ended with a nice giant full into stuck double back dismount. Stephanie Miceli had a really nice routine, with a perfectly pencil-straight handstand into her Tkatchev. Maybe it's just my need for Fantasy Gym bars workers talking, but that deserved way more than 9.725! Carissa Kraus competed even though I expected her to be scratched from bars. She had her usual great flight and superbly dynamic routine.

UCLA had a strong vault rotation. Sadiqua Bynum had a Yurchenko 1/2. It wasn't quite stuck, which was unfortunate, because she hit it perfectly in the one-touch. But still, I just love those ones so much!! The rotation ended really strong for UCLA, with both Sam Peszek and Jordan Williams earning 9.950. Sam Peszek actually stuck her vault this week, and not her usual bounce-but-let's-just-ignore-that stick. The team were all calling for a 10.

Rotation 3
Carissa Kraus came over during the one-touch, and she had a huge pack of ice strapped to the back of her ankle. It actually looked kind of funny. ASU seemed less implosive on beam in the one-touch this week, and oh how I was hoping it would come to fruition. Beka Conrad and Savannah Boorman both didn't fall apart this week, so things were looking up. We need to take a second to appreciate just how much Savannah Boorman looks like Brenna Dowell. They could seriously be sisters. Taylor Allex also didn't die, which made me even more optimistic. Stephanie Miceli had a pretty solid routine. Her only wobble came on her front aerial, which seems to be her trouble skill. Allie Salas sadly came to grief on her aerial again. That just doesn't seem to be working for her. She sort of ran into it and landed with her legs totally tucked and just fell backward. And no, you won't escape without me once again stating how glorious Stephanie Miceli on beam to Tiny Dancer and Allie Salas to Iris is. During this rotation, two guys sitting in the back started cheering really loudly, which was kind of hilarious.

UCLA put on their usual show on floor. Danusia Fancis had her great flexibility and I really was impressed with her illusion into balance. Sadiqua Bynum had a fabulous DLO to open her routine. It was really well extended, her legs were pasted together, and she stuck it. In her last pass, she took a stumble forward, which dragged her score down. Angi Cipra won floor with super well-choreographed routine. I actually really liked Napualani Hall's routine. I'm surprised how little the gymternet talks about her. She had a double Arabian, but didn't have control on the landing. One thing that really stood out to me about UCLA's floor rotation is how cool their close to ground work is. Really captivating.

Rotation 4
No Savannah-Boorman-just-in-case at the end of ASU's floor rotation waiting to be scratched, so yay! Kristine Levin stepped up into the floor spot, and while she had rough spots, I really loved watching her routine. She took two steps on her first pass and went out with both feet. The rest of it showed good potential, though, and she could be an asset to their floor lineup. Miss Val was (singularly) clapping along with Allie Salas's floor routine, and that was fun to see. Taylor Allex stuck her double Arabian again this week, and it was just a huge skill! Tasha Sunby really improved her performance value this week. She had great presence before, but she really put more attack into her dance this week and seemed like a warrior in her routine. She landed with her chest low on her full-in, but was strong in the rest of her routine. Beka Conrad finished the floor rotation. She opened with a double pike which I was amazed she was able to keep in bounds. Her last pass was a disaster, though. On her punch front, she tucked and crashed on her chest.

Beam was the rotation I was waiting the whole meet to watch UCLA. It was hilarious watching gymnasts pull out the mat for Nush under the beam during the one-touch, since Mikaela Gerber had to duck under the beam and they were both trying to figure out which direction to go. I didn't realize Halle Mosset also did a Silivas mount, and it was astounding. On her side somi, she couldn't get her feet under her and she fell backward. Sophina DeJesus had a really artistic routine, and I especially enjoyed her aerial full dismount she began by balancing with her leg extended in front of her. PPL's Homma mount was my favorite skill of the meet. Seeing as it's my favorite beam mount and beam mounts are my favorite skills and we NEVER see them, it was a super exciting moment for me. It even garnered applause from the crowd, which at that point was pretty much only giving perfunctory applause for UCLA at the end of their routines. Nush's mount was also gorgeous, and she had a ton of flexibility moves. Her dismount was everything I was waiting the whole meet for, and seeing it on TV just doesn't compare. It's seriously hard to comprehend what you're watching. Sam Peszek didn't throw her standing full, which was disappointing.

Favorite ASU vault: Taylor Allex
Favorite UCLA vault: Sadiqua Bynum

Favorite ASU bars: Carissa Kraus
Favorite UCLA bars: Peng Peng Lee

Favorite ASU beam: Stephanie Miceli
Favorite UCLA beam: Peng Peng Lee

Favorite ASU floor: Kristine Levin
Favorite UCLA floor: Angi Cipra

Honorable mentions: Sophina DeJesus bars, Stephanie Miceli bars, Danusia Francis beam, Sadiqua Bynum floor, Napualani Hall floor, Natasha Sundby floor, Taylor Allex floor

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