Saturday, April 11, 2015

Scoring System Idea....

This is just an idea that's been floating around in my mind a bit recently. It's an idea for a 10-point scoring system- BUT, instead of being calculated like the old system, this would be an average between a 10-point execution score and a 10-point ROV score.

The E-score would work much the same as the E-score does now (though I'd still want it to be less rigid). The ROV score would have a 5-point D-score (or I guess it would be R-score) and the remaining five points for originality and virtuosity (with artistry included in there, of course). I can hear the complaints now: "Difficulty is being given a higher advantage over artistry!" But the D-score would be similar where eight A elements would still earn a score, if only a nominal one. A gymnast with a full 5 in difficulty(/risk?) but only 1.2 for originality and virtuosity would score lower than a gymnast with the same execution but a 4 in difficulty but a 3.8 in originality and virtuosity. Hopefully the top gymnasts would be scoring higher then 3.8 in originality and virtuosity, but even that with 4 points of difficulty can beat a full difficulty gymnast who is very poor in originality and virtuosity.

How the risk score would be calculated is a bit interesting to think about. First of all, what to do about CR? Should they be included in the risk score or deducted from the total risk score afterward if not fulfilled? Obviously, they shouldn't be .5 apiece in this system, as that would be half the risk score. .3 apiece would be 1.5 total and leave 3.5 to be earned, and .2 would be 1.0 and leave 4 points to be earned. .2 apiece would seem like the option that is best for requiring high difficulty from the gymnasts, but would it make fulfilling all the CR worth it? That's the trickiest part of it for me. Then the question becomes how to calculate the score. Ultimately, it would be similar in difficulty of elements and combination bonus. It should be hard enough to earn a 5 that the average gymnast can't but attainable enough that the top gymnasts on each event can. Perhaps there can be base scores for routines (all A/B elements, all C elements, half D half C elements, etc.) with bonuses for more difficult elements. Or, there could, of course, just be a variation of the current system. Also, perhaps the risk score should encourage risk more then the current D-score and reward gymnasts who do rare combinations of the same skill difficulty value as other more common combinations (Onodi+Yang Bo vs. front aerial+sheep, Ellie's 5/2 to double vs. 3/2 to 5/2) or just add touches of risk such as Catherine Lyons's balance before her full Y-spin.

The originality score would do just what it says- reward originality. These could be the same instances as mentioned above about different combinations of the same difficulty value as common ones and including balances before spins, etc. This could also encourage doing unique mounts/dismounts on bars and beam. Ultimately, this would just reward those who make their routines stand out and dare to be different. It would give gymnasts a reason to put together routines that are exciting and eye-catching when an easier route to the same difficulty is available in the COP. It would reward gymnasts who don't just have a cavalcade of cross split dance skills, who use non-toe-on Shaposh variations, who use high-low transitions other than Paks and bails, and who generally make a statement with their routines.

Virtuosity is where I believe artistry would be rewarded. The virtuosity score would be about rewarding the icing on the cake: amplitude, oversplit on simple leaps and jumps, exceptional toe point, releve, carriage, flexibility, floatiness (especially on bars), and, yes, artistry. The virtuosity score would reward routines full of confidence and where not even a fingernail seems out of place. This score would encourage gymnasts to go above and beyond in their presentation and to focus on the details- though, ultimately, a routine with huge, obvious errors but great details such as those listed shouldn't be getting a full virtuosity score either. This is the Eythora Thorsdottir score: clean, precise, artistic gymnastics.

So, here's what I'm thinking about how it could break down on each event:
R- 5.0
O- 3.0
V- 2.0
-1.0 amplitude
-1.0 general virtuosity

R- 5.0
O- 2.0
V- 3.0
-2.0 artistry
-1.0 general virtuosity

R- 5.0
O- 1.5/2.0
V- 3.0
-2.5 artistry
- .5/1.0 general virtuosity

The one sticking point then becomes vault. How would scoring for that work? Ultimately, each vault would need a set originality score, and having so much set aside for originality and virtuosity seems a bit excessive. Perhaps originality could be factored into the risk score, and then have (ROV score/2)+(E-score*.75). Then that just leaves the question, what to do about virtuosity? Should that just be left alone in the vault score? Should the risk score just be out of 4/4.5 and then have the rest for virtuosity? That's the one place that would really be confusing and difficult to call. Any ideas?

So, like I said, this is just an idea that I've had for a little while. It's definitely not a finished COP, but I think it could be interesting and might really provide some more reward for the full-package routine. Any thoughts?

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