Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Top 10 Favorite Vaults

Obviously, I love stuck vaults. So there are gonna be a bunch of those. A vault rarely seen will always seem more exciting. Perfectly executed simple vaults are magical and I much prefer them to chucked high-difficulty vaults or even well-executed difficult vaults. I don't, what all is there really to say about one's taste in vaults? I feel like most of us are on the same page.

10. Dipa Karmakar 2014 Commonwealth Games EF vault 2
I know, I go on about how I prefer perfect simple vault to chucked difficult ones, and then this is the first vault on my list. And Produnova's own isn't anywhere to be found. But I watched this one live. I held my hand over my face and watched through my fingers as I waited for the impending crash. And I cried out in shock when she landed it. This vault is here because I experienced it in a way I have never experienced any other piece of gymnastics, and so it will always have a special place in my heart.

9. Shannon Miller 1992 Olympics AA
Such a perfect vault. Robbed of a 10. But ultimately, even the most perfect FTY will never have the glory of other perfect vaults.

8. Li Yiting 2011 Chinese Nationals EF vault 1
I love DTTs! It's one of my favorite vaults as a skill. Li Yiting has very nice form and a controlled landing.

7. Svetlana Khorkina 1995 Worlds AA
Khorkina's vault is my favorite as a skill. I think it looks so intricate. This was her best landing, and she also has great form and good dynamics.

6. ASac 2011 Covergirl Classic
The queen of Rudis! Her pencil-straight body line is gorgeous. She usually had a fairly big bounce, but this one had a great controlled landing. The height she gets is amazing! It's beautiful from start to finish.

5. Ellie Black Commonwealth Games EF vault 2
Tsuks are probably my favorite vault family, which is probably why there are two on here even though they are the least common. I'm not blind to the errors, but the landing especially just gives it the look of floating.

4. Ariella Kaeslin 2008 Europeans vault 1 (#13 in the video)
The video of the vaults themselves uploaded weirdly, so here's this one with it normal. Front tuck fulls are another vault I really like. Her legs are pasted together and the landing is so satisfying. She has a great upright position and she just plants it so there is no question of whether it was a stick.

3. Daria Elizarova 2010 Asian Games AA
The best front pike ever. She floats is and the landing is so soft! Just absolutely gorgeous. Her legs are even perfectly together on landing, which is rare. Robbed in her score- she only got a 13.8.

2. Lilia Podkopayeva 1994 Soapberry Shop
Yurchenko 1/2s are absolutely my favorite Yurchenko-style vaults. The half twist is just enough pizzazz, and they're so rare they seem special. Lilia's is floated and simply breathtaking!

1. Yang Yun 2000 Olympics TF
Everyone's favorite. It really is just how gymnastics is meant to be performed. Nothing to say really. Everyone loves it and everyone knows why.

Honorable Mentions: Karin Janz, Elena Davydova, Dominique Dawes, Denisse Lopez, MLR, Elena Produnova, Meng Fei, McKayla Maroney, Jordyn Weiber, Bailie Key

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