Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The end of an era

Referring, of course, to Romania's failure to qualify a team to the Rio Olympics. What seemed unthinkable descended into the realm of possible at Glasgow's qualification round and continuously declined to the point of seeming likely before the test event. But ultimately, not even in my worst-case scenarios did I see Romania placing behind Switzerland.

Obviously, that bars issue has been dogging Romania for... ever, but that doesn't explain how they went from consistently-in-the-top-4 to second-to-last-at-the-test-event in a year and a half. And what I blame that on, honestly, is the higher-ups begging Sandra and Catalina to come back. I definitely saw a long-term decline (didn't expect not qualifying to Rio, though) as a possibility when they announced their comebacks, but I was so excited that I might see Sandra, my second-favorite gymnast, back in competition again that I really couldn't find it in myself to care. And honestly, if Sandra had competed again (mini side-rant: she went and quit her comeback because she thought the other girls were too good and then she totally would have been one of the best on the team and I could have seen her again and maybe her last competitive routine wouldn't have included a fall UGH WHY DID SHE QUIT) I still wouldn't care. But I do think it's what led to their undoing.

Why, you might ask? I'll give you two reasons: Stefania Stanila and Andreea Munteanu. Both of whom were discouraged in their training because they felt they were being told "you're not good enough, we can't rely on you" when Catalina and Sandra were called back. And guess what happened, they were needed in the end. Stefania had purpose not only as a good AAer but also as one of about two Romanian gymnasts who more often than not could stay on the bars. And Munteanu's strengths might have been better fulfilled by Cata, but she would have been such an asset at the test event. So yes, I am going to blame the immediate failure to qualify to Rio on the "Save us!" move pulled by the Romanian heads.

But, on to the teams who did qualify, because I'm super excited! I really love this group of teams, and I really like the mix we're going to see in Rio. Brazil absolutely rocked the test event, and the expectation is that they will repeat their stardom at the Games. And they've got Rebeca Andrade back!!! Flavia is going to be the darling, and her beam is to die for (and she's been hitting consistently this season)! I really think they're going to rock house this summer.

Onward to Germany. Seitz and Scheder both competing on bars will be very nice, especially should the Schimm resurface. And I'd like to see Scheder repeat on the beam final front.

Belgium did it! With a little help from Julie Crocket!! I love her so much. Can she please be healthy for longer than two seconds this year? Nina Derwael and Axelle Klinckaert are going to be such exciting prospects for them, and I'd love to see them kick butt this summer.

And finally, France. Which means Marine Brevet once again- with the Shine on You Crazy Diamond routine? I must say, I just really enjoy their unique and different choreography. The French team is just such a beautiful one.

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