Sunday, February 12, 2017

(Another) Scoring System Idea

Because this dropping one of the CRs makes this the perfect time to convert the D score to an ROV score.

Now, admittedly, I've thought out the "O" part of this quite a bit more than the "V" part. But still, the basic idea behind this is slide in the originality and virtuosity scores right where that dismount CR used to be.

For the originality part, the idea is an actual new CR. So, you'd have the four normal CRs for each non-vault event, and then there would be a fifth originality CR which would be selected from a list of options. I've done a little bit of brainstorming, and here are some ideas I came up with:

Uneven Bars
  • Mount of B+ difficulty (the non-straddle vault over the low bar would probably need to be downgraded)
  • Elements showing at least three different non-giant circling elements (German giants count toward CR- this would probably need to get FIG-ified and would include the phrase "root element")
  • A combination of two same-bar flight elements
  • An F+ same-bar release
  • A one-armed pirouette
  • A 1.5(+? please someone do a double?) pirouette
  • A C+ dismount which had been performed in 10 or fewer routines at the previous Worlds or Olympics (maybe this would need to be more 7-8-ish)
I think this list gives enough options for the less technically advanced programs which tend to struggle on UB(/Romania).

Balance Beam
  • A mount of C+ difficulty
  • A scale held for 2+ seconds, not including a needle scale
  • A side-stand element
  • A handstand with unique position not in the mount (by "unique position" I mean not a basic legs together or split position, FIG can figure out how to word things)
  • A triple acro series
  • A hip circle element
  • A D+ spin element
I would hope that first option would lead to a large increase in the number of those good difficulty pretty, non-splat-risk mounts which no one performs because they take a while. A fair bit of this is "more flexibility and balance/strength elements, please," but can you really blame me? So much lovely originality isn't being utilized currently.

  • A D+ forward-entry tumbling element (notice the sneaky "forward-entry" wording to keep arabians from counting)
  • An indirect acro combination with an E+ salto or a direct acro combination with a D+ salto
  • A triple acro combination
  • A dance element not in cross split position in the leap series (MORE DANCE POSITIONS PLEASE/why were butterflies downgraded?)
  • A turn in Y, attitude, or scorpion position or an illusion turn or back spin (except apparently FIG got rid of the scorpion turn and the double illusion WHY- ah well, that's not hard to rectify)
  • A group 3 (hand-support) element in the choreography (this would also probably need some refining and paring down before becoming the law of the land, but whatever)
  • And I'm stuck to make it 7 like the others.....
This one was harder to come up with ideas for, but I think this covers all the bases decently. I'm even okay with Mykayla's "I'm doing an L-turn in the air" hop counting toward this if it means more than 1% of routines don't have a leap series with two cross-split variations (plus I needed some options for less technically advanced programs). Also some encouragement for forward tumbling and combination passes.

Again, the virtuosity part of the score hasn't really been thought out as well. I feel like making it a full five tenths would sort of counteract the whole bringing-scores-back-to-where-they-were concept, but at the same time any less wouldn't really make it have much impact on the score. But then again, making it five tenths would answer the complaint that the D-score makes execution less important by making virtuosity part of that score. So let's make the virtuosity score five tenths. I do like the virtuosity score better in my old scoring system idea, but the part of this idea that really got me thinking was the replacing a CR aspect.

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