Saturday, November 25, 2017

Favorite Routines from Worlds (BB and FX)

Pauline Schaefer, Qualifications
UGH this is gorgeous. Pauline is just such a beautiful beam worker. I love her skills such as the double spin and the Schaefer, but I'm also a huge fan of her choreography. It actually adds something, which the gymnastics world in general seems to be doing better at this year.

Ellie Black, Qualifications
She's a powerhouse on beam. I said in my favorite beam post that while I prefer elegant beam work in general, there's just a "killed it" quality about well hit powerful beam work that, say, Vika will never be able to manage, and I love it! I'm also a big fan of the "gallop" choreography-- it's weird and I love it! Just in general, she surprisingly artistic. And she stamps out her skills!

Asuka Teramoto, Qualifications
Asuka is such a pleasant beam worker. I was disappointed she messed up and couldn't get vindication in the final, but it was lovely here!

Claudia Fragapane, Qualifications
It's too bad she couldn't hit this well in the final, even though she was still able to medal. I've always been a Claudia fan, but she really is a whole new performer this year! And she's cleaned up so much! I will always love how she does tumbling+dance combos that should by all rights be hideous and makes them look fab. And say what you like about the rest of her execution, I will always appreciate the non-cowboyed double Arabian!

Ellie Black, All Around
This was such a passionate and powerful performance! Ellie is also just one of my favorite floor workers. I love her unique combination tumbling and how much of it is forward! Her first pass is my favorite. I also love her dance. It's always forceful and different and kind of... angsty? This performance especially, she put everything she had into it.

Morgan Hurd, All Around
Another all-heart performance. You could definitely see her excitement in those landings, but she was exuding so much joy here! I also love her upright landings. Everything about this routine (well, minus the landings) is exquisite!

Nina Derwael, All Around
I LOVE BELGIUM ON FLOOR! They just always have such weird choreography. And Nina didn't disappoint! I especially love the part in the straddle. Her landings here were also much more secure than in qualifications.

Jade Carey, Event Final
Yes, the artistry isn't... good. But her tumbling! I could watch those passes on loop! They're GORGEOUS!

Mai Murakami, Event Final
I'm so glad she made a change to this routine from the Christina Aguilara screaming! The tumbling here was impeccable! The performance was everything it could be. She makes this routine. What a deserving routine for the championship!

Brooklyn Moors, Event Final
This routine is just lovely. She also includes the Semenova, such a beautiful turn! It's a gorgeous routine, and that tumbling isn't shabby either. I mean, look at the Podkopayeva! This one especially, to me, she really seemed to put everything into the performance.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gabby and Gymternet Whipping Boys

It was obnoxious and unnecessarily mean for a long time, but it didn't seem to be anything more harmful than pettiness.

For a while now, the gymternet has been caught up in the internet trend of being more enthusiastic about what we can trash and shred than, you know, what we like and enjoy.

There was Mykayla, who, make no mistake, has absolutely posted things she shouldn't have on social media. But can we really claim the moral high ground when we comb through everything we can reach-- including hunting down her family's accounts-- to find ways to crucify her? And why, if it was the problematic stuff she's posted, was so little of the focus of the crusade on that as opposed to the cocky stuff she's posted?

There was Ashton. Again, people were bound to take issue with her political posts. But hating on her for crying? There were comments on the confession accusing the gymternet of double standards with defending Nina because she's white (oh don't worry I'll get to Nina) where people were saying "No it's because Ashton supports Trump!!"... so that makes you being a hypocrite morally superior? But hey, at least you're admitting your double standards.

People were all over Maddie for a while for saying "let's be nice to each other regardless of who we voted for."

Various Russians have been in and out of the firing range for months.

Nina is the most obvious example of a gymnast just seeming to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. For no apparent reason other than people were looking for a new whipping boy, they jumped on the first at all questionable thing they found and shredded her for it. I mean, just look at the floor final for proof it's not arbitrary. Look at how everyone was responding when the champion was hugging people and quietly celebrating while Vanessa was still on the floor being seen to by the med staff. No double standards here at all...

But that's all just pettiness.

Add the Nassar scandal to our harpy mentality, and now you're playing with fire.

I've been worrying that we were going to end up crucifying one of his victims for how she dealt with this. I didn't think it was actually going to happen.

And enter Gabby.

Now, I am not saying her tweet was right. I am not saying you need to forgive and forget or that your opinions of her should go back to what they were two weeks ago. What I AM saying is this should serve as a wake-up call to the gymternet for our toxic mentality.

Because now we know Gabby was a victim too. And the gymternet spent days trashing her for the way she's handled the scandal. And some are so far down the rabbit hole they're even accusing her of lying.

Again, the fact that she was a victim doesn't make what she tweeted okay. But it does mean she deserves our compassion. And because we're all so sure we know these women as people from what they post online, it didn't even  occur to most that she could have been a victim.

And from so many of those same places, we're seeing no apparent acknowledgement or concern that Gabby was abused (I'm referencing especially the comments with that post). Gabby's story shows precisely why the "S/HE IS CANCELLED!!" stuff is so wrong.

Can you really claim moral superiority?

I just want to leave with these two comments on how we need to treat the Nassar scandal:
Source: The Gymternet-- You Asked, the Gymterner Answered

And, to leave on a better note, Nassar is going to prison. May he rot in his cell.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Favorite Routines from Worlds (VT and UB)

I was planning on doing this post in the week or so after my Worlds post, and... well, you see how well that plan worked out.

Giulia Steingruber, Qualifications
She is just such a dynamic vaulter. I love the way she flies! It's also astounding that she made it to this point in her gymnastics so quickly in her return. Plus, a non-Yurchenko entry is always a bonus.

Jade Carey, Qualifications
Well, the video isn't available for embedding, so I'll just have to link it. Still a wild landing, but my oh my, that vault is gorgeous. It's just so easy for her!

Oksana Chusovitina, Event Final
What a gorgeous vault from the queen. She has cleaned up so much and it's just mind-boggling! I was definitely one of those people calling for the judges to overscore her into the gold! Ah, we can't have everything in life.

Ellie Black, Qualifications
She's not the cleanest vaulter, but I just love Ellie's work here. She just seems to fly. It's wonderful.

Diana Varinska
I love everything about this routine!! It is breathtaking and exciting and jam-packed! Just a fabulous set.

Anastasiia Iliankova, Qualifications
Look at the Hindorff+Pak+Maloney+clear hip 1/2+Ezhova combination! It's all that I love and all that I need. And she wasn't super close on the Shang here!

Elena Eremina
She just flies through this routine. Absolutely lovely. And the big combination work in the Nabieve+Pak+Chow 1/2! I just love gusty combinations like this.

Nina Derwael, All Around
There's so much flight in this routine! And so much intricacy! She just soars through this whole mind-blowing exercise.

Georgia-Mae Fenton Qualifications
Can you tell what style of bars routines I love? Once again, such breathtaking flight! And I love the different kinds of skills she has in combination!