Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Commonwealths: All-Around Wrap-Up

England swept the podium at today's all around competition!! Claudia Fragapane was able to repeat her result from yesterday to win the title. She was followed by fellow English competitors Ruby Harrold, who had the bars routine of her life, and Hannah Whelan, who just barely scraped into the medals.

I really enjoyed this format of the competition. The bottom 12 qualifying gymnasts competed an entire round of competition on two events at a time, with the top 12 qualifying gymnasts following in the same manner. I liked how it meant that the competition was twice as long(!!) and we got to see all the bottom qualifiers.

In the first subdivision, both hometown favorite Scots competed, and displayed their on-point music selection! Both had strong competitions. Emma White placed tenth, a great accomplishment for Scotland, and Amy Regan finished her competition in fourteenth. Brittany Robertson of New Zealand also had a great competition, scoring above 11.000 on every event. She finished in a very respectable twelfth. Georgia-Rose Brown's problems on beam and floor came back to haunt her today, but her vault and bars were beautiful and should be a highlight of tomorrow's finals. Her floor was also much improved from yesterday, and her Memmel was gorgeous!

There was plenty of great gymnastics from some of the lesser-known gymnasts as well. Stelutsa Savvidou had a rough start on bars and beam, but pulled it together for the leg events, earning her high score of the day, a 13.733 on her last event, the vault. Claudia Cummings and Bianca Mann of South Africa both had great vault rotations, earning their high scores of the day. Cummings and Mann placed twenty-third and twentieth, respectively. Dipa Karmakar had a great competition today, with a nice beam routine featuring a gainer layout dismount and a great powerful vault. Sadly, she fell and rolled out of her final tumble, a double tuck. The Isle of Mann's Grace Harrison had beautiful elegant floor work. Singapore's Janessa Dai and Heem Wei Lim placed in eighteenth and nineteenth with beautiful beam work, despite errors on the event. Nicole Mawhinney of Northern Ireland had a very pleasant floor routine to "Wild Dances Part 2", placing well at seventeenth.

The second subdivision was a nail-biter, with lots of big gymnastics on display.

Charlotte Sullivan, who wins the competition for the best leo of the day, had a bit of a rough go of it, falling down the rankings to sixteenth. However, she finished the event solidly on vault with her beautiful Yurchenko 1/2. Can more gymnasts do this please? It's such a pretty vault! Kirsten Beckett started off the day wonderfully on vault, but unfortunately fell apart on the other events to place fifteenth. On her final event, floor, her foot caught on the carpet and she was unable to execute the second leap in her series. She was visibly devastated and we hope she can put up some stronger performances in the event finals tomorrow and Friday.

Malaysian princess Farah Ann Abdul Hadi had a day of beautiful gymnastics. She had an unfortunate fall on her tumbling series on beam, but pulled it together for the other tow events. On floor, she put on a beautiful performance, and she had a great FTY which scored a 13.933. She was delighted with herself, and especially her score on vault!

Canadians Isabela Onyshko and Maegan Chant placed seventh and ninth, respectively, after a much better outing than yesterday. Both had errors on bars, where each received her lowest score of the day. However, Onyshko caught her Hindorff today. Chant had a beautiful double layout on floor and handspring front 1/2 on vault.

The gymnasts from Wales proved yesterday was no fluke, and came out with some incredible performances. Both had errors on their third event, floor for Georgina Hockenhull and beam for Elizabeth Beddoe, but proved themselves elsewhere. Hockenhull had a high 13.733 on beam for a beautiful routine with a nice switch leap+Johnson connection. Beddoe had an engaging floor with music from Chicago!

Olivia Vivian placed an exciting fifth today, but what really made her stand out was her sparkling attitude! Vivian was constantly addressing the camera between rotations to send out messages to her fans and family and dancing on the floor. Her vault was a bit piked, but the rest of her work was amazing! The standout was her gorgeous beam which should be a model for everyone's in terms of choreography.

Ellie Black had a rough go of it today. Black started out strong with a great Tsuk 1 1/2 and hit bars set (though I still don't get how she doesn't get a huge deduction for that half turn under the low bar). Beam got the best of her, though. After nailing the double spin which got the best of her yesterday, she fell on her BHS+tuck full connection. Floor was also a hard one for her. After a beautiful double layout, Black put her hands down on her double pike and stumbled forward on her double tuck. It's so frustrating, she has such an artistic routine with the most creative tumbling in the world and it's gotten to her both days! However, as she's qualified to all event finals, Black has the chance to redeem herself the next to days. Best of luck to her!

Hannah Whelan was able to capitalize on rough rotations today and earn the bronze. She had a bit of an error on her double pike bars dismount, but held it together in the beam rotation when everyone else fell apart. She hit her Onodi which she erred on yesterday and added a second layout after her aerial. She put everything she had into her floor routine to earn a 13.500 and the bronze by less than .7.

Ruby Harrold had a very strong performance today. She earned the high vault score of the day, a 14.800 for her powerful DTY. Getting past the mistakes of Monday, Harrold caught her Bhardwaj perfectly and put together the best routine on the event of her career. She hit all her connections and had some of the best execution she's had. A routine like that tomorrow could definitely earn her a medal! Ruby sadly fell on her punch front on beam but earned the silver after an amazing floor routine. England should be looking forward to their floor rotation in the team final in Nanning!

Claudia Fragapane to the gold no one would have thought she was anything close to a contender for before this competition. Fragapane took the gold with a 56.132, enough to place in the top ten at Worlds last year in Antwerp! Fragapane had her usual powerful DTY to start the competition. She was able to complete a secure bars routine with none of the problems from Monday. She had a fall on beam on her BHS+layout to two feet connection, but was otherwise solid. Fragapane's final event was her best, her astounding floor. She hit all her tumbling runs out of the park as well as her incredibly exciting breakdance. Her third run was her double Arabian, which so wonderfully is not cowboyed!! Fragapane has really made a name for herself this year in every competition in which she has taken place. This title definitely affirms her stardom and proves she will be an asset to Team GB at Worlds this year!

Source: icannotcountthosetwists tumblr

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