Sunday, October 5, 2014

Worlds Qualification Day 1 Thoughts

This is shaping up to be one of the most exciting vault finals in recent world-level competition. Fortunately, the amount of death-defying skill-chucking that can get you into a final seems to have diminished greatly. And only one Prod this year, and from the gymnast most equipped to handle it! And even then, it looks like it might not be enough to make it into the final. I'm predicting the top five (Simone Biles, Mykayla Skinner, Alla Sosnitskaya, Alexa Moreno, Phan Thi Ha Thanh) are in, Giulia will be able to cling to a spot, and Dipa and Ellie are out. Hong Un Jong, Larisa Iordache, Claudia Fragapane, and maybe Courtney McGregor are the biggest threats going into today, and I'm thinking Hong Un Jong and maybe Claudia take the last two spots. Who knows, though, this could be a very interesting qualification!
  • PAAAAAAAAAAAVS!! Why? WHY! Whyyyyyyyyy?
  • The Cheng seems to be worth its weight in gold this year. Seems to get a bit of the benefit of the doubt from the judges.
  • I'm totally down with Nabieva sticking her DTY at the Worlds she's at by accident
  • KRAM!! You do that DTY!
  • Where can I find video of Dipa's Prod? If she got an 8.100 E score, I'm thinking she had to have stood it up?
  • All hail the great Simone Biles.
  • So, Marina seems to have a score now? YES! Go Azerbaijan!
  • I am so excited that Alexa Moreno is likely in the finals!
  • It just isn't the same without Queen Chuso.

Again, as I said in my predictions post, why can't this final be open to more gymnasts?! Seriously, qualifying to bars might be harder than the actual competition. Shaposh variations are definitely here to stay, and frankly, I'm okay with that. I'd far rather watch a bunch of Shaposh variations in connection than a bunch of toe shoots or Rays. This should be a nail-biter qualification, and everyone right now has reason to be a little uneasy. I think Ashton and Aliya are fairly safe. I'd also be surprised if Daria wasn't in the final. If Kyla makes it, she'll scrape in if there aren't major errors from most of the big players. I don't think anyone qualified below Kyla will be able to make it if there isn't mass hysteria, which is sad, because there's a lot of good work there. China, Great Britain, Germany, and Australia should all have heavy hitters, and North Korea has some nice bar workers in the mix too. This final could have fifteen spots and it would still be exciting!
  • Poor Maddie. I don't think I've ever seen that happen on an inbar before.
  • Why can't Russia's qualification have just stopped after bars? So perfect then.
  • I wonder what Aliya will actually whip out in finals.
  • Where the heck did Adlerteg's score come from? That was a great routine!
  • I know some people find Ashton's routine uninspiring, but I just love that opening connection!
  • Why can't there be more videos?!!?

This one should be another nail-biter, if only because there's such parity once you get past the top two, one of whom is now out. With China and Romania coming up, we can definitely expect some change in the lineup, though the judges have been merciless on Shang again this season. And then Becky Downie definitely has a shot if she hits to the best of her ability. Simone should definitely be in the final, and I'd be surprised if Ellie isn't too. Kyla and Aliya are both on the periphery and are vulnerable right now. I'd doubt anyone ranked lower will make the final, but this is beam, so who the heck really knows.
  • Yes! Ellie is definitely in good standing!
  • Sanne is in the top eight after one day! It's an irrational hope of mine that she wins a World beam medal in her career. Don't you dare bring up how it's unlikely she'll make it- LET ME HAVE MY DELUSIONS!
  • MASHA!!!! You could have won!!!!
  • This was literally my thought process before/during Maria's beam: Okay, Maria, oh please let her hit, Maria's a holy name, Catholics pray to Mary and it's Maria in Latin, I mean I'm a Protestant but whatever, DANG IT!!!!
  • What the heck is up with Kyla's D score? How did she lose four tenths when she only broke one connection?
  • Two Swedes in the top eight after one day? Awesome!
  • Thank goodness Simone took out that godforsaken wolf hop.
  • No Ana why did you only score in the 12s?

The top three right now are definitely favorites to make the final. I think this one might be a bit tepid in comparison to the drama of the others, especially with one of the top favorites to qualify out. I love the group of women who are in qualifying contention right now, though, and I think it will be entertaining even if it isn't hair-tear-out-inducing suspenseful. Vanessa, Larisa, and Claudia are all obvious picks to make the final. I don't think there's anyone else really in the mix, but there are always surprises!
  • On the other hand, Julie and Elsa YAS!
  • Mustafina outscored Roxi. Let's just let that sink in.
  • Again, I don't get where Kyla lost her D score?
  • That was the best Moors I've ever seen.
  • Simone scored less than four tenths below her Classics floor score (minus the stick bonus) with an effort not quite as strong. Seems a bit less preposterous now, no?
  • Marta, I wanted you in the final! I thought you could make it! That save is life-giving, though.
  • Love the tripley and the smile after from Aliya!
  • Apparently the Uzbek gymnast completed it as well, so no name. On a side note, since her last name ends in "baeva" I always immediately associate her with Alina Kabaeva.
  • Yes Pavs you deliver that glorious performance!!
  • Ilaria Kaeslin is perfect and she needs the Elegance Award. Shared with JLo.

All Around
  • Simone would be in the lead all around by almost a point after that kind of error on bars. Everyone else can just go home.
  • I'm still kind of depressed Kram wasn't able to qualify for the all around. I went from not even being a fan of hers to going gaga over her in about one month.
  • How did this happen with Noemi Makra? She was in better standing last year, wasn't she?
  • I'm super excited Marta, Ellie, Giulia, and Elsa all are right next to each other in spots 6-9 (not counting ousted two-pers)!
  • I'm just happy Elsa did so nicely!
  • *Sigh* Pavs.....
  • No Ilaria what happened? I guess this means no Longines Prize..... It's only those in the AA final, right?
  • But Ana, you're so talented, why are you not going to make the all around final?

  • Canada, what happened? I just can't help wondering about Tori...
  • Belgium ahead of Canada. No one would have expected this two years ago.
  • I just can't get past this. But well done Belgium, Julie is a gift to this world.
  • I'm super happy to see the Netherlands so well up the standings. They're a great team!
  • Azerbaijan in sixteenth- is it too much to hope they can make the top twenty-four? Probably.
  • It's really just sad what happened to Ukraine. They were such a great team.

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