Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Worlds Wrap-Up

Worlds are well and truly over, and now that I have done my ranting about the judging, it's time for the wrap-up post!

The Good

  • No major injuries YAY!!!!!
  • Super tight competition and high-quality podiums everywhere (except for beam let's just forget that ever happened)
  • NOT A SINGLE MEDALIST WITH A FALL!! Only the second time to happen since 2006 (the first being last year)
  • Simone is awesome
  • No major errors from any of the young and inexperienced Americans in a final
  • Kramarenko is perfect and she ALMOST made the all around final!
  • Jessica Lopez's amazing all around comeback
  • Unique and interesting floor choreography, especially from those who didn't make the final
  • Romania going from seventh to fourth
  • Pavs back at Worlds
  • No crashed-landed on-the-back Prods in the vault final (still looking for video of Dipa's, but she needed to land to get an 8.1, right?)

The Bad

  • Pavs having such bad vault QFs and not making the final
  • Giulia, Marta, and Masha messing up in QFs and missing their respective finals
  • Claudia falling in floor EFs
  • Everyone other than the US having problems with their inexperienced members in TF
  • Azerbaijan and New Zealand not qualifying a team for next year
  • Queen Chuso gone!

The Ugly
  • Screwy judging
  • The beam final. Let's erase it from memory.
  • The Chinese teal and lime leos and the US beam and floor EF leos
  • Bad blocking on Chengs

Team: One of the best team competitions in years. Not the tightest race for gold, but an amazing battle all through the ranks. The US did a great job saving any potential disasters and was the only team to put up three strong routines everywhere. China is about where they should be right now, but will definitely need Wang Yan to stay podium worthy. Shang was a bit of a disappointment, especially on bars in team, but I suppose that's what going from one major competition to another will do to you. And she was still scored mercilessly. Russia performed about how I thought they would. Romania shocked me and proved why they got the unexpected bronze at the last two Olympics. They just didn't have quite enough, but Jurca and Iridon (and please Bulimar!) should help remedy that. I was disappointed by Great Britain and I definitely think they could have medalled if they kept it together, but they definitely have the potential and upcoming talent.

All Around: All hail the great Simone Biles. Not her absolute best, but better than anyone else by far. She definitely has the best skills and abilities. This was a way closer final than anyone expected, though, which made it fun. LARISA!! Finally it all came together! She absolutely deserved the silver. She just hit it out of the park and put up her best performance on the day it counted most! Such a happy outcome for such a worthy gymnast! Kyla proved that strategy is still a thing in gymnastics. If something is outside her limits, Kyla's coaches won't make her do it. They put her health and consistency over iffy difficulty, and once more it proved prudent. And, contrary to popular belief, good execution and consistency is enough to make the podium. Aliya's fall was definitely unfortunate. However, I'd say her bars were her only standout of the day. And her beam dismount. Yao Jinnan's floor was also unfortunate. I love the quirky choreography! And of course a shoutout to JLo for coming eighth! Please give her the elegance award next year!

Vault: It was so refreshing so see a vault final with no falls! Hong Un Jong's Amanar is just breathtaking! It's so floaty! Her Cheng was a bit wonky and klunky, but it is worth 6.4. She's made huge strides and it's great to see her winning a World title to complement her Olympic title six years later! Simone was amazing. Two of her most beautiful vaults this season. I can't wait to see what she busts out for next year! She's definitely the favorite if she can up that second vault just a little. Mykayla was definitely clean in her form. The judges weren't really harsh on anyone for shoddy technique, but it is disappointing that someone with that block medalled. Her legs were glued together and she landed nicely on center, though, which was great. Alla should focus the next year on cleaning up her vaults currently in her repertoire. I hope Giulia is able to bring back the DTY- apparently the rumor is that she's developed a twisting block.

Uneven Bars: Such a great final! So many unique routines and exciting combinations! I loved everything about this final- except Ruby's fall. And some of the judging. But great gymnastics! Yao's routine has a great opening combination which is really pleasant to watch. I also like the combination of the spins right into the Tkatchev, and the stuck dismount was a great exclamation point. Huang's routine was the one I thought was better. It was really well polished, and I for one do not mind how she does her pirouettes. And the dismount! It's been a long time since someone's used that! Daria Spiridinova had an absolutely beautiful routine, which was was put her just over the edge for the podium. She had beautiful lines and her pike Jager was absolutely gorgeous. Ashton and Aliya both had wonderful routines with beautiful lines, and Becky Downie had an amazingly hit and exciting routine. It was so great to see her finally hit after how often she's missed before!

Balance Beam: Ugh. Let's just pretend this final didn't happen. Simone and Bai were both outstanding, so it was great to see them on top. Either combination would have been great to see, too bad they couldn't tie. I really love the composition of Simone's routine this year, so it was great to see her finally hit it right. Bai, of course, was just breathtaking. It was great to see her in the final when the Chinese federation was considering dropping her in favor of Shang. Beautiful routine and stunning execution. But otherwise, let's just forget about this final. Yao, Larisa, and Ellie fell, everyone was handing Kyla a medal she just threw away, and then the bronze fiasco. Ugh. This is getting depressing.

Floor: Alright, a good final to end with. I'm still saddened by Claudia's fall since it's just such an awesome routine, but she was definitely able to pick up the rest of her routine and seemed to take it well. That's something that seems to run among the Brits. I never thought a wolf jump out of a tumbling run would look good, but she makes it so cool. Simone, what is there to say. She just blew everyone out of the water. So powerful and so well performed. Just astounding. Larisa's routine is just so pleasant. I love how she added the full-in pike for her dismount, so special! I love her music and choreography. So exciting and energetic and such a complete performance! Aliya adding the whips was such an exciting addition! I also just love the spins. It's a great way of working the code for her. Mykayla hit her routine out of the park, especially her Moors! It was a great ending to her season. Vanessa also had a great routine, but I was sad she didn't do any of her connections.

Worst final: Beam. That final scarred me.
Best final: Bars. Breathtaking work.
Predictions: Not a single one right. I did get the gold and silver for team, bars, and floor.

Best and Worst Leotards
I'm only counting leos once, to make things more fun. So, a leo is out for any rounds after the first one a leo is chosen for.

Best- Great Britain
Source: bbc.co.uk
I love the designs with the flag on the back, and the red is such a wonderful color for it. Good use of mesh, and I liked how the rhinestones went.

Worst- Japan
Source: thegymter.net
......Ummmmm. This paint thing just didn't work. And it made them all look like they were wearing backpacks.

Best- Russia
Source: www.sportgymrus.ru
This design was so, so sophisticated. It looks old Hollywood glam. Just beautiful. And the shade of red was beautiful. The only thing is the breaks in the rhinestones on the shoulders.

Worst- Italy
Source: angolodellamicizia.forumfree.it
*Sigh* The basic design of this leo I love, but then they throw in mesh armpits and ugly rhinestone patterns on the right shoulder and- ugh.

Shoutout to Romania. I hated this at first, but I really like it now.

All Around
Best- Ruby Harrold
Source: big5.news.cn
Like I said earlier, I love the flag leos. Not the greatest angle, but the best I could do. The blue is gorgeous and I love the rhinestones. The sleeve length is perfect as well. Just perfect overall.

Worst- Shang Chunsong
Source: news.xinhuanet.com
Oh, the Chinese teal and lime leotards. With black mesh. Oh, China.

EF Day 1
Best- USA
Source: thegymter.net
A red, white, and blue USA leotard! It has a bit of an armor-like feel to it, which totally suits the US, but is still really pretty.

Worst- Huang Huidan
Source: zimbio.com
Sleeveless? Check. Nude mesh? Check. Otherwise strange mesh placement? Check. Weird yellowish-green doodles? Check.

EF Day 2
Best- Claudia Fragapane
Source: thegymter.net
She may have fallen in the final, but at least she can have the best leo. I love the colors on this leotard. It looks fresh and light and somewhat Grecian.

Worst- USA
Source: thegymter.net
Oh. Oh. Why? Why this radioactive pink?

Worlds as a Whole
Best- Ruby Harrold AA
Source: big5news.cn

Worst- Japan
Source: thegymter.net

Top 5 Routines
4. Alexa Moreno VT 1 EF

3. Noemi Makra QF- the video won't embed, for some reason

2. Hong Un jong VT 1 QF

1. Simone Biles VT 1 EF
Yeah, only four. I'm going to assume Ellie Black or Megan Chant would have a vault on here, but no video, sadly.

Uneven Bars
5. Ashton Locklear QF

4. Becky Downie QF

3. Aliya Mustafina QF

2. Lisa Katharina Hill EF

1. Ruby Harrold QF

Balance Beam
5. Larisa Iordache TF

4. Simone Biles EF

3. Bai Yawen EF

2. Shang Chunsong TF

1. Sanne Wevers QF
This was difficult to try and rank- especially 2-4!

5. Giulia Steingruber AA

4. Claudia Fragapane TF

3. Simone Biles TF

2. Celine van Gerner QF- Again, it's not embedding

1. Ruby Harrold QF- I'm becoming obsessed by this routine

This was hard!! And we're missing video of a ton of routines!

Score: 9.3
Deductions taken for the beam final and screwy judging. I decided not to score Worlds in conjunction with how current E scores are or scores under the system pre-2006, but to just give it a score on how I felt it was. And, other than the beam final and screwy judging, and some under performance as well, it was a great Worlds. Strong competition and amazing gymnastics on display.

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