Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I spent all last night in anticipation of the name of the alternate today. UGH! When is it coming??? I was completely on the Maggie train, but Lauren said today that she'd pick Gabby based on how training has gone, and I can't say I disagree. Gabby's awesome. Don't get me wrong. But there are six other awesome gymnasts on this team and a crap ton of other awesome gymnasts left at home who didn't even get to go to Glasgow. If Maggie and Aly are both going to do the AA, it just doesn't make any sense to make Mykayla the alternate when the specialists are both UB workers and one wouldn't be able to compete them. I still like the idea of putting Maggie up on beam because I think she would be steady. She's gotten a little bare-bones with her routine, but I think that's great preparation for putting her in the leadoff position. She's also good backup on floor, but if Mykayla's on the competitive team I don't think she'd be used. Gabby and Maggie would both be in the running for the leadoff position on beam. I also don't see the logic in taking Mykayla over Bailie to use her as the alternate. Bailie would be more reliable to use on any event, and as such a much better alternate. I'm honestly starting to wonder if Matha's just decided, "We're wiping the floor with everyone else without trying anyway, I'll just play with everyone for my last Worlds as NTC." Even if I didn't agree with her, I always at least used to be able to understand her logic. Some of her decisions just don't make any sense to me recently.

On another note, vault has suddenly become the most exciting final, which I was not prepared for. Dipa's upgraded? CHUSO'S DOING A PROD?!? What the heck happened?
New predictions:
Simone Biles
Hong Un Jong
Maria Paseka
Dipa Karmakar
Marcia Videaux
Giulia Steingruber
Mykayla Skinner (if she's not the alternate)
Wang Yan (if she is)

1. Hong Un Jong
2. Simone Biles
3. Maria Paseka
I still see the podium the same, but so much closer for the podium now....

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