Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thinking About Kyla's Upgrades.... (and the rest of the Gym Max crew)

About a week and a half ago, Arabian Punch Front posted an awesome interview with the awesome Gym Max crew. Perhaps it's just my love for Kyla spilling into everything relating to her gymnastics, but I really like this group. Jennie and Howie are perfect and Kyla, Felicia, and Laney are the most randomly fabulous trio. But anyway, there was some talk of Kyla's upgrades (and some pretty cool ones for Felicia too) in the interview, and she's taking American Cup off to get in some good work on them, so of course I had to set to pondering what could be done with them....

Vault: She's keeping the DTY. She mentioned maybe doing the Amanar in the future, but I think we all know she's sticking with the DTY- heck, she even laughed about it when she said she might train the Amanar. My dream is for her to do a Nabstafina, but that's never going to happen....

Bars: The first goal for 2015 Kyla mentioned was making the most of her bars set, which is great to hear. If she works her routine right, it should really be a huge advantage for her. They seem do have done some restructuring,which is good because it opens some more room for connections. She's doing her full pirouette on the low bar now into her Maloney, which is a skill I thought was a great opportunity for easy CV in 2013. Also- a Bhardwaj!! *Heavenly choral noise* I really hope this makes it into her routine and replaces the bail.

Here's a composition I came up with:
Jump to high bar mount
Toe-on 1/2 (C)+Jaeger (D)
Bhardwaj (E)
Toe-on 1/1 (D)+Maloney (D)+Pak (D)+Van Leuwen (E) (+.4)
Double layout (D)
DV: 3.3 (E, E, D, D, D, D, D, C)
CV: .4
CR: 2.5

If Kyla got all her inbar skills back, this would be a 6.7 D score, and connecting the Jaeger to the Bhardwaj would add .2, so this routine maximizes at a 6.9, which would be absolutely huge for Kyla. Mounting on the high bar! This routine would switch up the composition a bit, but I think that's what Jennie and Howie are going with anyway.

Beam: Beam is a bit more difficult to puzzle out. I'm thinking Martha's really pushing Kyla for the steady, consistent spot on the team this year. The aerial+LOSO has been canned for being too big a risk. The BHS+Arabian wasn't mentioned, but I have a fleeting suspicion it's gone now too. I'd love for it to make an appearance this season, but I won't be holding my breath. She's working a Girgoras, which makes me very happy. I wonder if it's maybe a sort of national-team-assignment thing like when the Chinese gymnasts were told to do a 7/2 on a trampoline since Simone's also working one now. I'm hoping it will replace the side somi- always nice to get rid of one of those! It will be great for Kyla to have an F skill, and seeing as she can keep her eyes on the beam, Martha will probably be fully supportive of it- it seems a less inherently fall-prone skill, but I could be totally off here. I'd really like to see Kyla do a forward connection for her acro connection. A world-class beam worker really shouldn't be doing a BHS+LOSO. The only problem is her side somi and aerial are the only skills in her routine not done in connection- maybe she could do an Onodi+front aerial and cut the aerial cartwheel? Or maybe she could do a BHS+LOSO+LOSO connection. But this is all just what I want and not what we got from the interview. However, changing the composition on bars seems to be in, so maybe it will happen on beam as well? But then it said it was mostly her elite routine with back-protecting adjustments, so maybe not...

Floor: Dance skill upgrades were the only thing mentioned for Kyla here. I'm assuming she did tumbling, but it was never mentioned. I wonder whether these were turns or leaps. She tried a double L turn in 2012, so I think that would probably be a logical idea. I'd love to see a Memmel, though! I'd think the Ferrari would likely also be back in training, which would be a good re-addition. Otherwise- perhaps a Gogean and/or a switch 1/1? That's all I really think there is to be expected. Oh, she also mentioned the whip+double Arabian. I wonder if maybe a whip+whip indirect combination might make more sense than a whip direct? The BHS might make it better for her to start the Arabian? Oh, and she's getting a new floor routine!! I loved this one in 2013, but I think the additions to the choreography in 2014 stifled her a bit and I'm glad to see her do something different. I'm really interested to see what Dominic Zito comes up with! I've been hoping for a three-pass routine for her since 2013, so I will keep hoping for this in her new one until I watch the dance-through and see the placeholders for four passes.

Felicia's work sounds very interesting. I think she's definitely up for Jesolo and maybe PanAms assignments. I don't think Worlds is very realistic for her, but I won't count her out either. Twisting seems to be where she's focusing most of her upgrade energy. She's working for an Amanar, and based on her DTYs, I'd totally see it happening for her. I see it happening for her. On floor, she's working 5/2s and 3/1s to replace the 2/1, which will be a big boost to her there. Her flight connection of Ray+Pak on bars is also super exciting. We haven't seen her on bars since the disaster that was 2013 P&Gs, so that should be very interesting. I'm interested as to what the rest of her routine will be. If she backs it up with smart Stalder elements and some Shaposh transitions, she should be able to get a good D score. Ultimately, I could see Felicia surprising this year.

Laney recently uploaded this video on YouTube, and it shows some really potential for her. No bars work, but everything else is amazing. I'm really interesting to see when her elite career will happen and where she will go. After all the hate she got for starting in cheer leading, I want her to slay internationally. Love the flexibility, I really hope she can incorporate a lot of that into her work! Especially on beam! I'm really excited to see the places she'll go!

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