Monday, July 11, 2016

Based on what is the selection committee actually selectioning?

Well, the whole "My team has stayed the same this entire time" thing actually happened. And I must sound extremely fickle after just Saturday saying I could see the advantages of a team with Gabby, but it left an extremely bad taste in my mouth that she was named.

I do still think she makes sense as a team member. But it bothers me that her inclusion was such a forgone conclusion this whole time. If it seemed that there had been any legitimate debate, that the gymnasts who actually delivered in the Trials process were being given the consideration they deserved, I would have felt more along the lines of "It's not the team I would have picked, and it was definitely a controversial decision with a bunch of options that all had pros and cons, but I get why they did what they did," whereas Gabby's position being unquestionable despite all the errors she's made makes me feel along the lines of, "What a slap in the face to Mykayla, who did precisely what Martha said she wanted to see- hitting everywhere, getting better as the Games get closer- but was shafted, to Maggie, who didn't even get thrown the alternate bone, and even to Ragan, who really gave it her best effort and placed higher than Gabby but didn't stand a chance when the team had already been chosen." Honestly, you know shenanigans are afoot when Tim is saying they're taking so much time to come up with how they're going to rationalize the team. If you're not expecting the ignorant masses who only tune in every four years to get why you put the reigning Olympic AA champ on the team, I think that says more than anything.

Like I said, I do think Gabby makes sense for the team based on Martha's priorities, specifically "Rest Simone on UB and have an AAer". But this Trials process was just kind of shady.

But anyway, this team is still super strong and should do very, very well. The biggest problem now remaining is who the heck is NOT going to do AA in quals. Laurie and Aly have earned it, full stop. But are they really not going to have Gabby do UB in quals? If they put her up, Aly makes the most sense to take out of the lineup in terms of just her ability on that event. And she will have had two Olympics of injustices. As the buzz has been, Laurie is the media-minded choice to remove- and again, enter my accepted conspiracy theory that she was scored generously to make her case for the AA.

Individually, they should rack up quite a haul.
AA: They are definitely favored to have two AA medalists. Simone is, of course, favored, and then whoever the second AAer is will be the favorite for silver.
VT: Favored for the gold
UB: People tend to be way too far to either end of the spectrum here. The US doesn't suck on bars, their lineup will be very strong. But Maddie Kocian is not a near-lock for a medal either. Potential for a medal.
BB: Suddenly beam has gotten a super deep field. There should be two Americans, though Simone's stranglehold on her spot is looking to be slackening. They could leave with two medals or none depending on the day, because beam is beam.
FX: Favored to go 1-2, but this could also potentially have some competition really making a push. Still should be fairly safe if they go clean.

And just for funsies, to prove Nastia at least semi-right, a B team that would be favored to medal:
Mykayla, Ragan, Ashton, Maggie, Amelia
VT: Maggie, Meals, Mykayla
UB: Maggie, Meals, Ashton
BB: Meals, Maggie, Ragan
FX: Maggie, Ragan, Mykayla

Other thoughts on night 2:

  • I LOVE that MLT and Meals designated themselves the universal cheering section
  • Scoring actually got somewhat reasonable for the most part, which was a bit surprising (and where Laurie's concerned, again, conspiracy theory)
  • NBC was actually helpful in their commentary because I had been wondering which tribe Ashton... is a member of? belongs to? I don't know the PC terminology.
  • Mykayla Skinner's floor where she just had a ball was life-giving! Especially that moment after her full-in where she just started mugging!
  • Why can't the USAG YouTube channel at least upload the routines that weren't broadcast? Would it really hurt NBC's revenues for me to be able to watch Brenna's hit bars and Meals being the queen of Trials and Christina BEING THERE? (First-world problems, entitlement, throw whatever you got at me, I will still be disappointed that these videos won't exist- maybe some helpful soul will have illegally filmed those routines and will upload them?)
  • That moment after the final routine when all the gymnasts were just celebrating their accomplishment was absolutely magical

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